I miss Your warm hugs.....
I miss Your sweet voices.....
I miss Your warm breathe.....
I miss Your gentle touch......
I know i m guilty for make You sad.....and make You cry always.....
I know i m guilty for Your every tear drop....
I know You love me much....
and You gave me all Your happiness....
Your heart and all Your Life.........
But You should know.......
Sometimes i feel unhappy when You are 'not by my side......
Sometimes i feel jealous when u talk with someone else....
Sometimes i feel unacceptable feelings when i see You upset....
Sometimes i want to make You understand but perhaps my words make u hurt....

i can't express my words and feelings that how much I Love You.......
Sometimes i get anger, sad, and upset.....when i m not find You here near me.....
Sometimes i get mad and crazy when i can't explain what's my heartbeat want to says You...
And Sometimes when i can't control myself.....i just find my tears in the dark....
When i look in mirror....i just find Your reflection....
When i look in my heart.... I just find You....
When i want to think....i just think about You...
Where ever i want to see....my eyes only finds You.....
When i pray to God....always want You first in every prayer...
When i m alone.... I just imagine Your beautiful smiley face....
and it's make me happy and makes my heart calm.....
You should know.....
I want to give You whole my life and everything what i have.....
I want to make You happy always.....
I want to see Your sweetest smile on Your face always for me......
I want to give You much love.... You can't imagine how much it is.....
I have many dreams with You.....
Many hopes with You....

I wanna be with You always until my last breathe.....until end the world....
It's only You who can understand me.....
It's only You who make me happy....
It's only You i want to live for....
It's only i m falling in love more and more......
So if there are some mistakes we should forgive each other....
Coz You know we not find each other but our love guided us the way of love..
I Love You......
.......Love feelings........ `25092013
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