And for the love what you give me since the days we met...
And the hopes i carry on always with You....
You know everything why i'm upset or sad...?
You should know it...
Whenever i'm not see you here, my heart not feel good...
Whenever i'm not find much love or feel you sad or upset, i cry much....
Whenever if i m not get your warm arms hugs and kisses i can't sleep in nights....
Whenever You goes already i miss You here..
Did u know that..?
Sometimes i says myself: what this feeling is..?
Why i can't sleep with you..?
Why i'm think of you everytime..?
Why i can't live without you..?
And alot of Questions...
But my heart Says:
Hey just listen to me... this is feeling of true love...
So You can't stop it at any cost,
You can't stop your mind to thinking about...
You will have to wait....for the memories who gives You....
Coz this is love...and You heart and mind will never stop it.
I hope You will give me much love...
Coz You are the only one who can make my heart calm...
You are a part of my life...
You are the only one in a million for me.
Yes i do... i do love you to much...
------ WISH YOU WERE HERE ----- `NnZ`16th